Fionnuala O'Donnell Counselling, Psychotherapy and EMDR Therapy
in Islington, North London

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know which therapy to choose? There are so many kinds...
It can be difficult to decide which type of psychological therapy is best for you. Reading about the differing techniques and knowing something about what to expect can help in making a decision.
Psychotherapy is usually a longer term option relying on gradually unraveling the impact that our experiences have had on us as well as experiencing the relationship that develops between ourselves and the therapist. There may be things that we have forgotten about, or have even removed from our conscious minds that continue to impact our lives in ways we have not been aware of. Often we have done this as a means of coping with painful experiences of loss, sadness or shame.
Short-term psychotherapy provides a means of working with a specific issue that is identified towards the start of the work, during which the therapist and the client find a solution to, or relief from their problems.

How do I choose a therapist?
Having decided upon a particular type of therapy, the question of who to turn to comes up. As in any relationship, we may find one person more approachable than another. This is why most therapists offer an initial assessment session or sessions, time to get some insight into the technique, and to get a feel for the relationship that might develop. This relationship is a major part of the work in psychotherapy and counselling.

How long will therapy last?
If short-term psychotherapy is chosen, the time is agreed together from the outset. With longer term therapy, the duration is not fixed from the start and is discussed as the work progresses. As the client, ultimately you decide when you feel ready to finish.

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